I want to be able to take matters into my own hands and make sure I cannot father a kid until I choose. –Brian, California
As a young sexually active male in a committed relationship, I would like to be able to choose, with certainty, whether or not I am fertile. —B. Cook, California
My fiancé wants to wait longer than I do to have kids. And he wants to be in control of that. If he is the one taking the contraceptive then he will feel like he has control over the timeline. –Sarah Danielson, Michigan
For a long time, outdated perceptions have contributed to the lack of investment in birth control for men. Since women traditionally have borne the primary burden of unwanted childbearing and parenting, decision makers have long assumed that men wouldn’t be interested in contraceptives—or would have a very low tolerance for cost, side effects, or hassle. Today, though, in the age of paternity tests and child support, with fathers and mothers sharing parenting responsibility—more and more men want to be in control of their own fertility.