Making Asphalt a Little Less Sickening
There are a couple of ways to tackle the problem of polluted runoff: keep the water from getting fouled in the first place, or clean it up once it’s contaminated. ...
Author: SwatchJunkies
A Vacation from My Car (and Kid)
This weekend, my in-laws came to town. Which was a very happy occasion. I handed over my two-year-old daughter (and four pages of instructions) to them while my husband and ...
Author: SwatchJunkies
"War On Cars": A History
Back in October, I started noticing the accusation that Seattle is waging a “war on cars” pop up an awful lot in the Seattle-area press, and in suspicious ways. On ...
Author: SwatchJunkies
Happy 15th Birthday, Sightline
Sightline's greatest achievements over 15 years.
Author: Sightline Editor
What’s Walkable?
A collection of research and solutions--including creating walkable communities and why it's important.
Author: Sightline Editor Grades Neighborhoods on Being Walk-Friendly
New site inspired by Sightline calculates the walkability of an address, emphasizing the benefits of living in a walkable community.
Author: Eric Hess
Sightline Does the Math on the Seattle Viaduct
Sightline research director Clark Williams-Derry analyzes the Seattle viaduct debate and comes to a few simple conclusions: roads are expensive, rush hour is the worst problem, and the differences between short- and long-term consequences.
Author: Sightline Editor
Northwest’s Car-Centered Sprawl is Major Health Risk
Car-centered sprawl shortens northwesterners’ lives because it contributes to some of the region’s leading health risks, reports Cascadia Scorecard 2006: Focus on Sprawl and Health, an annual progress report on the Pacific Northwest released today by Sightline Institute (formerly Northwest Environment Watch).
Author: Clark Williams-Derry
Solutions for Healthier Communities
Individuals and institutions can take simple steps to create compact, complete communities that enable residents to get around without a car and encourage physical activity and connections among neighbors.
Author: Sightline Editor
Use Fuel Taxes Wisely
The gist: Make the price of driving tell the truth through fuel taxes that fund alternative transportation. The details: Drivers need roads, bridges, parking spaces, police, ambulances, and other services, ...