• More Measles – #21

    [Note: This is part of a series on property fairness and a rash of ballot initiatives in the Northwest.] Last week, we pointed out some maps of residential development claims under Oregon’s Measure 37. And we noted that the rural land surrounding greater Portland, OR was bracing for new crop of houses. Now, Portland State University has some even better maps with much more detail on how Measure 37 is...
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  • Portland's New Crop: Houses – #20

    (Part of a series.) A while back we made some maps of development patterns in greater Portland, Oregon between 1990 and 2000. And we found—perhaps not too surprisingly—that Oregon’s growth management laws really were effective at protecting farmland from scattered residential development. Here’s a snapshot view, comparing the Oregon counties in the metro area with Clark County, Washington, north of the Columbia: Each purple dot represents 10 new rural residents...
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  • Required Reading On Property "Rights" – #19

    [Note: This is a part of a series.] If you’re following the Northwest’s gaggle of anti-planning ballot measures, you have some new required reading today… In the Oregonian, first rate reporting from Laura Oppenheimer on Washington’s Initiative 933, the progeny of Oregon’s Measure 37. She takes a look at I-933’s supporters and opponents and their competing beliefs. Also, in the Oregonian, an excellent article by Allan Brettman on what would...
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  • Rural Rage Over Reason – #16

    Guest contributor Arie van der Hoeven is a land owner near Ames Lake in rural King County, Washington. He is concerned about the implications of Initiative 933. [Note: This is part of a series.] Initiative I-933 is bad property rights policy, full of unintended consequences that will hurt rural property owners most of all. Those of us in rural King County have learned that the one thing worse than dealing...
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  • Taking the Initiative – #14

    Note: This is part of a series. Nice column today by the Seattle P-I‘s Joel Connelly on the astroturfing of the Washington state initiative process—with a special look at I-933, a stealth attack designed to undermine, oh, pretty much any action taken by state or local government: The Washington State Farm Bureau is the official sponsor of I-933. But money to pay signature gatherers, $200,000 at last count, has come...
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  • Property Rights Ad Infinitum – #12

    Note: This is part of a series. When lawyers read Initiative 933’s definition of “property,” they tend to fall out of their chairs in astonishment. That’s because, according to its own definition, I-933 will apply to “all real and personal property protected by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article I, Section 16 of the Washington Constitution owned by a non-governmental entity…” The lay person may read:...
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  • A Tale of Two Mines – #11

    Note: This is part of a series. Oddly parallel news articles this week: one from Oregon, where Measure 37 land-use is currently the law; and one from Washington, where Initiative 933 would do even more to reduce community input into land-use decisions. On Maury Island, Washington a group of residents is trying to stop a gravel and sand mine from starting operations, which will include barge traffic near homes. The community...
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  • Planned Confusion – #10

    Note: This is part of a series. Last week, I wrote about the torrent of look-alike initiatives in the Northwest—933 in Washington; 154 in Montana; and “This House is My Home” in Idaho—and I pointed out their eerie similarity to one another. All three Northwest property initiatives lead off with booming rhetoric about abuses of eminent domain. In reality, however, the initiatives are about an entirely different issue (one that...
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  • Selling the Farm – #9

    Note: This is part of a series. Here’s how Measure 37—the progenitor of a new wave of more aggressive initiatives, such as I-933 in Washington—is affecting Oregon’s farm economy. In windswept northeastern Oregon, the farmers of rural Union County are feeling the sting of Measure 37. A landowner-turned-speculator there recently made a claim to subdivide more than 1,400 acres of rural land into hundreds of 5-acre buildable lots. Farmers nearby...
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  • Northwest Property "Rights" Round-up – #8

    Note: This is part of a series. I’ve been writing a lot about Washington’s I-933 lately; here’s what’s happening in the rest of Cascadia. California: Napa County voters handily defeated Measure A, another cookie-cutter “pay-or-waive” initiative. Idaho: Proponents just announced that they have enough signatures to put “This House Is My Home” on the ballot in November. A silly ballot title, yes, but the initiative is much better written than,...
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