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Oregon Has Built Gov. Kotek’s Target Number of Homes Before

In the 1970s, with more apartments and fewer construction workers, the state managed to build almost 330,000 new homes—not far off from the 348,000 Governor Kotek wants to see in the next decade.

Michael Andersen

MEDIA CONTACT: Michael Andersen, Sightline Institute, michael@sightline.org  

FULL ARTICLE: Yes, Oregon, there is a way to build enough homes

SALEM, OREGON Oregon’s House Housing Committee On Housing and Homelessness meets today to hear HB 2889, a measure to ramp up housing production and reduce barriers to construction. It’s one part of a state effort, supported by Governor Tina Kotek, to address the state’s acute housing shortage by building 36,000 homes annually over the next decade. 

While an ambitious goal, new analysis from Sightline Institute finds that the state has in fact done it before. Over the 1970s, Oregon added almost 33,000 homes per year on average. What’s more, it did it with less than half of the residential construction workforce it has today. About half of the homes were multi-family options, including triplexes and apartments—a much larger share than in recent years. 

“With so much need for public investment to house our neighbors, it can be easy to lose sight of the benefits of making homes less expensive to create,” says Michael Andersen, coauthor of the research. “But if we can reduce those cost factors, we make every public dollar we spend go further and we help our private sector build homes to lower market prices.” 

Read Sightline’s full analysis: Yes, Oregon, there is a way to build enough homes

Related: With flexibility over parking, Oregon homebuilders get to work  


Michael Andersen is the senior housing researcher and transportation lead in Oregon for Sightline Institute. View his latest research, and follow him at @andersem. 

Sightline Institute is an nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank providing leading original analysis of housing, democracy, forests, and energy policy in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, British Columbia, and beyond.  

Talk to the Author

Michael Andersen

Michael Andersen is Director, Cities and Towns with Sightline Institute. Since 2006, he has been writing about ways better municipal policy can help break poverty cycles, with a focus on housing and transportation.

Talk to the Author

Michael Andersen

Michael Andersen is Director, Cities and Towns with Sightline Institute.

About Sightline

Sightline Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank providing leading original analysis of democracy, forests, energy, and housing policy in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, British Columbia, and beyond.

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