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  • Sightline’s Getting a New Look

    Readers! Early next week, Sightline Institute will launch a fresh new version of our website. I can’t wait, and here’s why… A single streamlined site Many of you don’t even realize it, but Sightline Institute has two sides to its website (for reasons not worth explaining). Both contain important research and information about Sightline, but studying our web traffic showed us that it wasn’t clear to you how to move between the...
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  • Listen In: “It Gives Everyone—from a Dishwasher to a Bank President—a Voice”

    Where did Honest Elections Seattle I-122 come from? Who’s behind it? Why vouchers? And what’s it all about? Sightline executive director Alan Durning recently spoke with KEXP Mind Over Matters host Diane Horn to address these questions and others. The full 25 minutes are worth a listen, and you can listen in here, but some highlights are below. On how Honest Elections Seattle limits the power of Big Money to...
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  • Event: Build Small, Live Large

    Curious about small and sustainable housing? The Build Small Live Large Summit in Portland next month will explore the leading edge of the space-efficient housing movement where design, cost, and care for the environment intersect with the needs of today’s communities. The goal of this one-day summit is to increase the demand for space-efficient housing in the region by informing, inspiring, and connecting those interested in building small. Leaders in this movement will...
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  • Dear Mr. Mayor

    On Wednesday, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced he would not pursue the recommendation of his housing affordability committee (HALA), on which I served, to allow greater flexibility of housing types in single-family neighborhoods, such as cottage clusters, mini-duplexes, rowhouses, and stacked flats within existing rules on setbacks and building height and size. I sent the mayor a letter yesterday, expressing my disappointment in this decision, which I fear will begin...
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  • Accomplishments

  • Sightline Speakers

    Experts in their fields, our researchers Anna Fahey, Dan Bertolet, Jeannette Lee, Michael Andersen, Kate Anderson, Catie Gould, Jay Lee, Emily Moore, and Alan Durning have addressed a range of sustainability topics from growing a green economy to developing strong communities to protecting our natural environment. Please contact Serena Larkin at if you’re interested in booking a speaker from Sightline Institute. Below is a September 2012 video of Alan Durning,...
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  • Event: Innovative Solutions to Money in Politics

    Money by Tracy O used under CC BY-SA 2.0

    Next Thursday, join our executive director Alan Durning to discuss how unfettered money has changed the political landscape and what Oregonians can do to make sure their voices are heard. Deb Field, executive board member of Main Street Alliance, will be joining Alan. There will be a live jazz performance by the Mel Brown B3 Organ Group after the event (note that even though the “Innovative Solutions to Money in Politics” event is free, there is...
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  • Event: Putting a Price on Carbon

    This Thursday, join our executive director Alan Durning to discuss carbon pricing in Washington. This roundtable will explore several different approaches for “putting a price” on climate pollution and explore how counties and cities can directly engage on and benefit from what can seem like a complex solution. The roundtable will also showcase King County’s Department of Natural Resources and Parks Beyond Carbon Neutral Commitment through the lens of its Carbon and Energy Investment...
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  • Event: Buying the Ballot Box

    Your ballot is in. Most of the races have been called. The TV screen is political ad-free again. But it’s a different world out there for voters since the 2010 Citizens United decision and other massive campaign finance rule changes. This Saturday, join in conversation with Sightline Executive Director Alan Durning and KIRO Radio’s Dave Ross in an event hosted by the League of Women Voters (LWV) of Seattle-King County, “Buying...
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  • We’re in this together: Sightline’s fall fund drive is on!

    As a Sightline reader, you are well informed about the challenges that the Northwest faces in the journey toward health, safety, and sustained prosperity for all. Perhaps you’d like to make a difference, but are unsure about where to begin. At times, sustainability matters and policy choices can seem like colossal burdens in the journey to a happy, healthy planet. To begin can seem a tremendous act. Luckily, we are...
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