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  • Green-Collar Jobs: Realizing the Promise

    Green-collar jobs—jobs dedicated to saving energy, producing renewable energy, or reducing pollution—can speed progress on two deeply rooted problems at once: easing our dependence on climate-warming fossil fuels and fostering lasting, broadly shared economic prosperity.
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  • Decoupling on TV

    Legislators in Olympia must have loved Alan’s talk on climate fairness so much that they called him back for an encore presentation. This time, decoupling is the name of the game, and a subject near and dear to Alan’s heart. Check out the clip of Sightline’s Executive Director Alan Durning presenting to the Washington Senate Environment, Water, and Energy Committee:  You can also see it here. (Skip ahead to 1:23:47...
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  • Climate Fairness on TV

    This morning, our fearless leader Alan Durning gave a special briefing to the Washington legislature on climate fairness. Specifically, he talked about how climate change—and climate policy—affects low income families. What’s more, you can watch it on TVW. (Annoyingly, it doesn’t appear to work in Firefox, so you’d better switch over to Internet Explorer for the moment.) Keep watching once Alan’s done and you can see Remy Trupin, executive director of...
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  • Sightline and the Obama Administration

    From the Six Degrees of Separation Department: Former Sightline Director Jane Lubchenco, a marine biologist from Oregon State University, will be the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Stephen Chu is the new secretary of energy. It’s a stretch, but his cousin was once on Sightline’s payroll (editorial director Ellen Chu). Oh, and Sightline’s executive director, Alan Durning, went jogging about a year ago with Lisa Brown of...
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  • Happy 15th Birthday, Sightline

    Fifteen years ago this Autumn, a 28-year-old researcher names Alan Durning lugged a refurbished library table into the cramped bedroom closet of his Seattle home, drilled a phone line through the wall, and filed the legal papers to create a nonprofit research institute. We’ve come a long way since 1993, but our overarching goal remains the same: to arm change-makers with the independent research, ideas, and tools they need to...
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  • Happy 15th Birthday, Sightline

    Sightline’s greatest achievements over 15 years.
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  • See you December 1st!

    The Daily Score will be a little slow in the next few days as our bloggers are out of the office for much of the week. We’ll be back in full force on Monday though. Have a great Thanksgiving. And if you’re looking for some Sightline reading (and viewing) to fill the time, here are few things to check out: Video: Alan Durning on Our Chance at a Clean, Green...
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  • Video: A Clean, Green Economic Recovery

    Will this economic collapse be the end of green? Or, as Thomas Friedman suggests, could green be the end of this financial calamity? Sightline’s executive director (and blogger) Alan Durning addresses the economic meltdown and the potential for recovery in a new Sightline video: Our Chance at a Clean, Green Economic Recovery. Check it out:     In this five-minute video, Alan talks about paths out of the financial meltdown...
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  • Public Opinion: Smart Regulation is Good for Us

    As Alan Durning recently pointed out, the concession by former Federal Reserve Board chair Alan Greenspan that an unregulated free market has failed Wall Street and Main Street alike signaled a significant turning point in fundamental political beliefs. Coming from Greenspan, the signal is more like an emergency flare—or a bugle playing “Taps” at the funeral of market fundamentalism. Greenspan is not alone. Americans of all stripes—including conservatives—are singing a...
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  • Daily Score Classic: Car-less Vacation, Five Lessons

    Editor’s note: In honor of our “Escape to Vancouver” Sweepstakes, we’re “recycling” one of our most popular posts. Sign up for Sightline Daily emails between now and October 29 and you, too, could experience a car-less vacation to Vancouver, BC!   Our car-less family vacation in Vancouver, BC, was a big success. Here’s a full report, for those of you who shared your own car-lessvacation stories and are interested in...
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