If you haven’t yet watched Bill Moyers’ interview with Yale research scientist and climate change communication expert Anthony Leiserowitz, I recommend doing it ASAP. Meanwhile, our latest Flashcard rounds up the top takeaways for climate messengers.
As you may know, Leiserowitz and his colleagues at Yale, with researchers George Mason University, have identified “Six Americas”—six groups or “publics” defined by their distinct attitudes about climate change. The researchers have zeroed in on particular engagement strategies that work best for each of these audiences, from the Dismissive all the way to the Alarmed. (Click here for a Six Americas refresher).
One point Leiserowitz makes in his conversation with Bill Moyers is that each of these Six Americas needs to hear clear, simple messages that reinforce the basics about climate change and make it personal. These should be repeated often, by respected and trusted messengers and followed up with hopefulness and confidence in readily available solutions.