Recurring donations—ones that happen monthly or quarterly—are a great way to support Sightline, conserve resources and time, and increase your impact. As an Evergreen Circle member, you make an automatic monthly or quarterly gift at the level that works for you using your bank account or credit card. There are no reminders or fundraising appeals—your donation continues as long as you wish, and you are able to increase, decrease, or suspend it at any time. You’ll also receive quarterly updates on your giving history with featured highlights on how your gift is being used.
By joining the Evergreen Circle, you’re providing Sightline with a solid foundation. Being able to count on your support over time means that Sightline is able to plan for future projects with confidence and focus more attention on wins for the region. By giving automatically throughout the year, you help reduce Sightline’s overhead costs and help conserve other natural resources.
Best of all, your support helps fuel a sustainable Northwest.  Join the Evergreen Circle today.
You can also start a recurring gift, make a one-time donation, or ask questions by calling Alexa at 888-447-1880 x 120 or by emailing alexa [at] sightline [dot] org. If you prefer to sign up through the mail, you may do so by printing out this form and mailing it to:
Sightline Institute
1402 Third Ave, Suite #500
Seattle, WA 98101
Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Sightline Institute is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.