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Map Series: New Residents in Rural Oregon From Measure 37 Claims

In the first two years after Measure 37 was passed in Oregon, the state’s landowners filed more than 7,000 claims, requesting many billions of dollars of compensation or the right to develop in spite of current protections.

Sightline’s maps estimate the number of new people and dwellings that could appear in areas that are currently protected as open space across Oregon, and illustrate the potential Measure 37 development in relation to current growth boundaries. Maps cover claims made between 2004 and 2006.

Map of Salem area showing new residentsNew Residents From Measure 37 — Willamette Valley
Measure 37 claims made in the Willamette Valley could add almost 33,000 new residents in rural areas.
Map, Hood River ValleyProperties with Measure 37 Claims in the Hood River Valley
In the Hood River Valley alone, 22 percent of protected farmland is threatened by Measure 37 claims.
Map, Hood River, showing possible new housing unitsNew Residents From Measure 37 Claims — Hood River
The more than 250 claims in the Hood River and Wasco counties could result in nearly 6,000 new housing units, many on agricultural lands.
Map, Portland area, possible new residencesNew Residents From Measure 37 Claims — Portland region
Claimants have filed more than 2,000 residential applications for Measure 37 waivers in the greater Portland area. Together, these claims could add nearly 34,000 new residents.