If you believe that creating a way of life that can last ought to be a major priority for the region, and you understand that this effort requires a long-term commitment, the Cascadia Stewards Council may be for you.
The Council is a community of major donors who have made a minimum three-year commitment of at least $1,000 per year to Sightline.
Multi-year gifts enable Sightline to plan further into the future, more boldly, and with greater confidence. Our work is long-term. Not only do we focus our gaze on years, even decades, into the future, but in many cases the research itself takes years to unfold. The Cascadia Stewards Council, by providing such enduring support, allows us to tell the important stories that make the biggest difference not just in our own lives, but also for generations to come.
You can become a part of this dedicated group by making your multi-year commitment today. For more information, call Meaghan Robbins, Director of Development & Operations, at (206) 447-1880 x 110, or email her at meaghan [at] sightline [dot] org.