Last year, Oregon continued its leadership in voting rights by passing the New Motor Voter law and starting to automatically register eligible voters. (California has since followed Oregon’s lead.) Oregon’s Bus Project has been a champion of voting rights—this week on XRAY Radio’s Thank You Democracy, The Bus Project’s Executive Director, Nikki Fisher, and I talked about voting rights and representation with Jefferson Smith.
Listen in here.
And of course, Oregon has vote-by-mail, which is a no-brainer if your goal is making it easy for registered voters to vote (and welcome to the newcomers to our enlightened voting system, Colorado and Washington state). Voter turnout compared to the national average has been 5-15% higher in Oregon in the last four national election years.
If we could just get preference voting and the national popular vote and proportional representation working, we’d be a modern nation. Oh yeah, and national health care.