Last December, Eric and Alan co-authored an article in the Tyee calling for Pay-As-You-Drive car insurance in British Columbia. One reader was so inspired, he made this six-minute video encouraging viewers to sign a petition to bring PAYD to BC:
It’s definitely worth a watch. A good rundown on the benefits of PAYD, and the challenges it faces. Live in BC? Help spread the word.
Any word on the progress of Unigard’s pilot? I have GPS transponders in both cars and can look at my driving history in detail. However, Unigard has been quiet as a mouse on when they may actually implement pay as you drive pricing.
Alan Durning
There have been a series of frustrating delays on the Unigard pilot, Velobusdriver. I’m afraid I don’t know when it will start.
[um, this is just a guess, but, I take it the guy in the video prefers to use PC’s for, um…maybe…marshmallow toasting?]