Why We Say “We.” Message Matters reminds us of the power of pronouns.
Story of Self. Story of Us. Story of Now. What a feat! Messaging guru Andy Goodman manages to sum up the storytelling lessons of the great Marshall Ganz in a matter of paragraphs. Check out his article on the “Three Stories Leaders Must Tell.”
Passive Audience vs. Active Participants. Could you engage more people in your cause just by changing the way you refer to your target audience? Check out this short video for non-profit communicators from the Tune-Up Tuesdays folks.
Who Shares Online…and Why? Five reasons people share news—and how you can get them to share yours. A new study commissioned by The New York Times, including an online survey of 2,500 sharers (not just Times readers), finds five basic
motivations for why folks share information, and six types of sharers.