Breaking news this morning: Twelve states, including Oregon and California, won their case before the Supreme Court scolding the Bush administration’s climate change policy. This was the first time the highest U.S. court examined global warming. The story broke at 9AM PST, so expect the papers to provide the blow-by-blow of the debate and key excerpts from the decision tomorrow morning.

Kinda seems like old news, eh?

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  • I mean, suddenly my retired mom, my nurse sister, and my acquaintances in the Bible Belt, like my brother’s evangelical congregation, “believe” in global warming these days. My mom, for one, is mad that she has to drive in order to pick up groceries (no sidewalks in her neighborhood). And she can’t see to drive at night.

    And didn’t the President mention a certain phrase in his State of the Union address a little over two months ago?

    Still, four Supreme Court Justices held out in the 5-4 decision. You can guess who they are.

    apple pieIn a related article, Sacramento is seeing scores of bills addressing climate change due to Californians’ worries.

    “It’s become an apple-pie issue,” Darry Sragow, a longtime Democratic strategist in California, told the San Francisco Chronicle. “It’s like being for better schools.”