If you’ve found your way to the Daily Score, then you probably already know our news.

The Cascadia Scorecard Weblog is now the Daily Score; Northwest Environment Watch has changed its name; and we’ve launched this nifty new website that we intend to be a phenomenal resource to exactly the kind of outspoken, active Cascadians that have been frequenting this blog (ie, you).

We’re a little tired.

The Daily Score features the same authors and the same type of content as the Scorecard Weblog, but—we hope—is much more usable and searchable. (All 1100-plus posts from the Scorecard Weblog are archived on the Daily Score, and the whole site is powered by a search engine on steroids.)

Two important notes about commenting:

1. Commenting now requires that you register with our site, a very quick process.

2. If you’ve been receiving email updates from Northwest Environment Watch (like the Friday blog updates), you are already pre-registered with sightline.org. Go here to get your password.

3. Sorry, but we weren’t able to transfer over any of the comments from this blog so we encourage you to repopulate the Daily Score with your two cents.

Please continue to read the Daily Score, post your comments, and let us know what you love and hate about it (and us). (You can email elisa@sightline.org or ask-us@sightline.org.)

Make yourself at home!

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Jeanie Garrity for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.