The moral dimensions of public-policy ideas aren’t always obvious. The real-life implications of data often require interpretation—even translation. For every smart solution, policymakers and movers and shakers need the best words and messages and narratives to convey why it matters.
That’s what our Flashcards are for! We help you find the words—and stories, images, and messengers—to make the case for solutions. We dig through piles of academic research, polling data, and expert analysis to distill best strategic communications practices into short, accessible tools.
Here are some of our favorite Flashcards from 2018. Thank you for putting our messaging tools to work for good this year.
1. Three Steps to Better Climate Conversations
Sightline’s new Flashcard contributor Aven Frey breaks down climate scientist and communications expert Katharine Hayhoe’s formula for connecting our values and climate change.
2. More Homes, All Shapes and Sizes, for All Our Neighbors
Based on Sightline’s original focus group testing, here are guidelines for communicating about housing-affordability solutions that encourage more affordable choices for all kinds of people who call our city home.
3. Call ‘Natural Gas’ What It Is: Fracked
We worked with Resource Media and the Power Past Fracked Gas coalition to translate messaging research and expertise into a set of talking points to counter industry branding for fracked gas—and to equip local advocates with tested strategies for protecting West Coast communities from the latest fossil fuel schemes.
4. Three Core Messaging Themes for Latinx Climate Leaders
We distilled EcoAmerica’s extensive research into a scannable tool for US Latinx leaders and advocates. For the majority of Latinx Americans, climate is about cultural connections, community strength, and family health.