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Weekend Reading 9/20/13


Serena Larkin

September 20, 2013


The National Weather Service actually used the term “biblical” to describe how much rain was falling on Colorado last weekend. The storms over the Rocky Mountains are profoundly disconcerting to me. No individual event can be tied to climate change definitively, but extreme weather like this is what climate change models predict. It fills me with dread—and with rage at the fossil fuel industry and its apologists, flaks, and hired political hands.

A bookbinder in a Midwestern library who remembered an obscure episode of Nazi concentration camp history appears to have unearthed the true cause of death of Chris McCandless, the young back-to-the-lander who perished in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 and was immortalized by Jon Krakauer in his bestseller Into the Wild.

The Washington Post jumps ahead to what I’ll cover at the end of my parking series, with a brilliant romp through parking-dom on the Potomac.


Biblical indeed, Alan. This photo collection from The Atlantic‘s InFocus was both jaw-dropping and heartbreaking.


At Whatcom Watch, Crina Hoyer and Matt Krogh have an excellent piece laying out the details of the lawsuit they successfully leveled against SSA Marine for illegally clearing forestland, filling in wetlands, and disturbing Native American archaeological sites at the site of their proposed coal export terminal.

I enjoyed Russell Brand’s account of an awards ceremony gone awry, in which he points to the unsettling arrangements between governments, corporations, and media.

Reading a book excerpt, 12 Minutes of Freedom in 460 Days of Captivity, I made a mental note to myself to continue not being kidnapped in Somalia.

Take that, Turkish soccer fans. The loudest sports fans on earth are Cascadians.

Finally, if you haven’t already read about the winners in this year’s Ig Nobel science prizes, you should. For example, I found it a comfort to know that researchers in Thailand have advanced the science of re-attaching amputated penises, yet rather worrisome that their findings do not apply if said appendage has been gnawed on by a duck.


New census data shows a tiny decline in car commuting from 2006 to 2012—mostly from the drop in car commuting by younger workers. Still, the overall car commuting declines were quite modest—and most workers continue to get to their jobs in an automobile.

Mother Jones has some depressing math about mass shootings. It’s probably best not to give their numbers too much credence—but it’s still an arresting view of the statistics of violence.


If you’re like me and have a love-hate (but mostly hate) relationship with Whole Foods, this one’s for you.

My friend in Portland has started BicycleHead, a photo blog of helmet shots taken on her bike commute (and other journeys). It’s a great window into a town that’s figured out how to do bike-friendly. Plus, it’s nice for anybody’s who’s nostalgic for the quirky, gritty, colorful streets (and people) of Portland. Very spare, wry commentary is an added bonus.

Here’s a nice video showing how Canadian pranksters are taking on Trans Canada to stop the proposed pipeline. It’s amazing what a blue polo shirt can do.

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Talk to the Author

Serena Larkin

Serena Larkin is Sightline’s Director of Communications, driving a comprehensive content strategy for Sightline research.

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