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Congrats, KC


Eric de Place

September 12, 2012

Well this is cool: Sightline’s longtime friend, KC Golden, just won a Heinz Award for his work on climate and clean energy policy. It’s a well-deserved honor for one of the Northwest’s leading lights.

We’re pleased as punch for our pals at Climate Solutions where KC serves as policy director. Here at Sightline, we’ve been fortunate to work closely with KC on a range of initiatives over the years. In fact, he was one of the very first people that Alan Durning consulted when he was preparing to found Sightline Institute (or Northwest Environment Watch, as we were called then). Ever since, KC has been a close ally, a donor, an occasional blogger, and one of our most trusted advisers.

Congratulations, KC!

Talk to the Author


Talk to the Author

Eric de Place

Eric de Place spearheaded Sightline’s work on energy policy for two decades.

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