When world leaders get together in Copenhagen, Denmark, next week to discuss climate change, they will be addressing a concern that, as the latest Pew Global Attitudes survey finds, is widely shared throughout much of the world. And all eyes will be on Barack Obama. Around the world there are high hopes that he will “get the U.S. to take significant measures to control global climate change.”
The Pew survey (conducted May 18 to June 16) found that majorities in 23 of 25 countries agree that protecting the environment should be given priority, even at the cost of slower economic growth and job losses. And many are willing to make sacrifices, such as having to pay higher prices, to address global warming.
But, sadly, concern about climate change is much less pervasive in the United States, China and Russia than among other leading nations. Canada’s public opinion trails behind most of the industrialized world as well.
And in the United States, the issue seems to be far more partisan than in other western countries.
Just 44 percent in the United States and Russia, and even fewer in China (30 percent), consider global warming to be a very serious problem. By comparison, 68 percent in France, 65 percent in Japan, 61 percent in Spain and 60 percent in Germany say it’s very serious.
As we’ve seen before, Americans’ views of global warming divide along ideological lines—liberals are more than twice as likely as conservatives to say global warming is a very serious problem (66 percent vs. 30 percent). Surveys from 2008 and 2009 suggest that an ideological divide is also evident in Britain, where 66 percent of those on the political left rate global warming as very serious, compared with 42 percent of those on the right. A smaller ideological split was found in Germany, France and Spain.
According to the Pew report, “while there is agreement around the world that climate change is a serious problem, there is much less international consensus as to which country is most trusted to do the right thing on this issue.” That said, expectations are high for President Barack Obama’s approach to climate change, with majorities or pluralities in 21 of the 25 countries surveyed who believe Obama will “get the U.S. to take significant measures to control global climate change.”
Expectations are especially high in Western Europe.
Manfred Zysk, M.E.
<![CDATA[HYDROGEN ENERGY REPLACES FOSSIL FUELBY: MANFRED ZYSK, M.E.—December 3, 2009 » » UPDATED: Added pages 22—25, November 25, 2009 « «Contains Proprietary Research and Intellectual Property Rights – Publication is authorized by authorOnly Hydrogen Energy and Hydrogen Energy Regeneration Processes can replace Fossil Fuel and Oil. The availability of inexpensive and the abundance of Hydrogen can generate a new era for the world with numerous new products and processes which will transform our present industrial system toward an ideal future environment. When hydrogen energy and hydrogen regeneration processes and applications are fully developed, tens of millions of jobs will be created which will surpass the present auto industry and infuse great economic energy into all other industries and commerce. Low energy costs are the lifeblood of civilization and can lead toward global peace, democracy and prosperity. If hydrogen energy regeneration processes are provided at lower costs compared to fossil fuel by 60% to all countries, then major economic improvements occur on a global scale and would reduce or eliminate most global conflicts over energy resources. Ocean waters contain 11% hydrogen and fresh water contains 10% hydrogen.The present fossil fuel and global climate crisis’s are not surprising, and the global energy/climate crisis most likely will continue to the point of severe economic strangulation, associated with high unemployment, high food prices, much higher cost of living expenses, et cetera, unless measures are taken to circumvent such impending disasters.It is already well known that the constant global battles and wars over natural resources, global market share and global military domination will only lead to disaster. Of utmost importance is inexpensive and abundant supply of energy. Relatively cheap energy fueled the industrial revolution to its present state, but has been dominated with constant human suffering and wars. Due to the Cuban Missile Crisis, I foresaw continued nuclear missile confrontations; therefore I came up with a possible solution with the design of a small 2 to 4, or 6 passenger jet planes for military, commercial and private usage. Such a small jet plane with a feature of vertical take-off would have great economic benefits and simultaneously reduce and solve many military confrontations.In 1963, I hoped that our government would not try to control the Mid-East oil, because logically it meant that we ultimately would lose our wealth and waste much fossil fuel in the process. I fully understood the ongoing political games and controls being exercised by the oil companies, auto industry, military industrial complex, the state department, our government and basically the involvement of every facet of our economy. The supply of oil and gasoline was a major problem and had to be solved, because the world was going to run out of oil according to my research. My research of seismic and electronic sensing with computer analysis would help the exploration of oil but would not be adequate, and a new energy source was needed. After a few weeks of research, I decided that hydrogen, obtained from the oceans (11%) were in adequate supply for several centuries and needed to be processed and developed. Basically, hydrogen cannot be consumed or destroyed and therefore is the ideal chemical element for regeneration. Further research of hydrogen regeneration processes with various chemical reaction elements indicated that this little jet plane would be able to travel very long distances without refueling. Some organic chemical reaction formulas indicated prolonged regeneration capabilities and in conjunction with some inorganic formulas could provide very long term regeneration capabilities. From the mechanical and practical standpoint any hydrogen regeneration processes and systems will wear out and need to be maintained and replaced. The hydrogen regeneration processes therefore needed to be thoroughly researched and tested for durability and safety concerns. The next problem was the processing of large amounts of hydrogen from oceans waters. Various methods such as hydrolysis were considered, but ordinary electricity methods were energy intensive. The Hydrogen Regeneration Systems for some Processes would produce excess energy and generate steam to drive turbines very economically. All that is needed is the initial starting of the chemical reaction system to produce hydrogen from the ocean water and to operate the entire hydrogen regeneration system. The separation (dissociation) of some chemical reaction elements would not require complete separation during the regeneration process and a small amount of these chemical elements could be systematically discharged into waste containers for later processing or disposal. The use of solar, wind and nuclear waste energy for processing the hydrogen were considered, but are not very practical, because very large amounts of hydrogen need to be produced. I believed that I found a new method to produce very large amounts of hydrogen from ocean water by utilizing my hydrogen regeneration processes at that time in 1963.In late summer of 1963, I had sufficient confidence to build and test this little jet plane with new jet engines, but I also wanted to conduct experiments with my hydrogen regeneration processes and systems. Certified mail submittals for appropriation requests were sent to top government officials, including the defense department and federal agencies, but were met with silence or just acknowledgement of having received my disclosures. All sorts of intimidation and physical threats were used to discourage me from proceeding with my research for obvious reasons for seizing control of my research by the government and corporations. In spite of many employment problems, I researched numerous valuable products in order to obtain the necessary funds to develop hydrogen energy regeneration processes and products, but I always was met with negative results. Some of my proposed products were later produced by several companies. While I continuously advocate and work toward a better future for the USA and better global relations, little or nothing is being done. Our USA defense budget for 2010 has been estimated to cost $704 billion, but to date I have not received any consideration or funding for several energy products such as the capture and containment processes of carbon dioxide from coal electric power plants, oil refineries, chemical plants and cement plants; or the vaporization of gasoline/oil for internal combustion engines, or vacuum chamber concrete wall construction for the housing and construction industry, or for saving energy with vertical shaft lime kilns et cetera. Instead, our government wants to circumvent my proposed designs for carbon capture of coal electric power plants, and is considering providing funding to some companies and corporations. But time after time my appeal to our government and leaders to maintain sane policies to avoid our own economic destruction was ignored, but instead ways and means are approved that cause our economic collapse with fraudulent housing mortgage schemes, the elimination of our own industries, including overseas manufacturing to escape domestic environmental laws and penalties, the importation of cheap, poor quality products, and the borrowing of trillions of dollars while the government is not able to make the interest payments on these huge loans, and to date we have amassed over $127 Trillion in public and private debts and in unfunded liabilities.In spite of all this, I continuously berate our great leaders in government to fund my energy research and new products so that this country can regain its independence from foreign financial control, but to date our government is opposed to any of my concerns, and our government is still on the path of global domination. It is impossible for me to get a meani
ngful response for a sensible energy
evaluation, or government consideration toward funding my energy projects, but without hesitation, our senators just approved a defense bill amounting to $636 Billion, and the 2010 defense appropriation bill is estimated to cost $704 Billion. I have consistently specified proprietary and intellectual property rights, and our government is enjoined from funding other parties, businesses, companies entities or institutions of my disclosed products by any means and ways in the USA and foreign countries. After contacting President Obama and Vice President Biden, the White House Cabinet, federal departments and agencies, and most senators and congressmen of the USA several times, and by their own actions our government has determined by not responding to my requests for funding my research of my proposed products including hydrogen energy regeneration systems and processes, then hereby abrogate any rights or technological claims thereof, including such as national security claims. Therefore, I am seeking the necessary funding from other sources, foreign countries and governments, with appropriate offers of manufacturing and marketing rights, especially from the European Union and other Regional Economic Organizations, such as ASEAN, AU, EEA, SAARC and the Arab League. Enclosed is my latest correspondence with the Dept. of Energy, the President and Vice President with additional information about BlackLight Power and Dr. Mills, who have recently conducted research on hydrogen energy. This is worthwhile energy reading material. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYUNSOLICITED PROPOSAL PROGRAMFOR HYDROGEN ENERGY REGENERATION SYSTEMSAttn: Mr. John N. Augustine, Mail Stop 021-107 October 20, 2009Unsolicited Proposal ManagerU.S. Department of EnergyNational Energy Technology Laboratory626 Cochrans Mill RoadP.O. Box 10940Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236-0940E-mail: John.Augustine@netl.doc.govCopy to: The Hon. President Barack Obama The Hon. Vice President Joseph Biden Mr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy The Hon. Senator John Kerry The Hon. Senator Jeff MerkleyMr. Augustine, you state: “It doesn’t appear that you have a technology of your own.”Response: Perhaps you could enlighten me as to who would possess this technology. If my disclosure submittal is not my own, then who could it possibly belong to, since I have previously requested federal R and development funding for Hydrogen Energy Regeneration and several of these products for over 40 years, and I have documents of previous submittals to prove it. In fact “it doesn’t appear that you have the qualifications to make such an assessment,” and it may indicate the usual practice of only fishing for free proprietary research data, while major funding has been awarded for many rather miniscule energy projects. I should disclose to you that I have documents showing the DOE of pumping me for more research information, but then backing out and refusing to make any valid funding commitments. You may find the following websites of substantial interest about Hydrinos, BlackLight Power, Inc. and Dr. Randell Mills and his research on hydrogen, including the members of the board of directors of BlackLight Power, Inc. and the association of Assistant Secretary of Energy Shelley Brewer with BlackLight Power, Inc. Please see: http://www.MZ-Energy.com pertaining to: CHAPTER 4-A—SMALL JET PLANE—HYDROGEN RESEARCHFOR COMMERCIAL AND DEFENSE USE—www.MZ-Energy.comCHAPTER 8—HYDROGEN ENERGY—www.MZ-Energy.comCHAPTER 9—NUCLEAR ENERGY—www.MZ-Energy.comSenator John Kerry suggested that I contact the available government agencies involved in renewable energy and environment. Because of the importance of the below listed products, on 8/19/09, I submitted product descriptions, drawings and illustrations, a synopsis of my qualifications, my resume’ and letters of recommendation to the Hon. Vice President Joseph Biden, Senator John Kerry, Mr. Steven Chu (DOE), Mr. Tim Geithner and Ms. Lisa P. Jackson (EPA), including the Dept. of Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, Transportation, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and EPA for an Initial Grant Search Request for: 1. HYDROGEN ENERGY & HYDROGEN ENERGY REGENERATION 2. COAL ELECTRIC POWER PLANT—CO2 SEQUESTRATION 3. GASOLINE VAPORIZATION—INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 4. VACUUM CHAMBER CONCRETE WALL CONSTRUCTION 5. VERTICAL SHAFT LIME KILNS & VERTICAL CEMENT PLANTS. 6. WIND TURBINES FOR FARMS AND COMMUNITIES 7. ROAD PAVING MACINE AND NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERYOf the above listed government departments and agencies, only the Department of Energy responded. Surprisingly Ms. Sheri Mike at DOE only requested an abstract for submittal of my Hydrogen Energy Regeneration Systems. I have been informed 3 times that I should also consider DOE “competitive bidding process.” If you are properly qualified, then you would know that any competitors would not be qualified because of the usual lack of experience and absence of professional personnel. Most companies and corporations are too cheap to hire professionals. Basically, our country has evolved into a system of “Planned Obsolescence,” the production of poor quality products which need to be replaced periodically at higher costs. Worse yet, we cannot even produce this worthless junk and are importing it from other countries. I have seen this too often and I can quote you dozens of instances with companies and corporations not being capable of producing quality products and not meeting contractual obligations, such as a greedy conglomerate terminating experienced professionals, then losing $55 million in profits the following year, and almost declared bankruptcy due to heavy losses. I have been accused of objecting to the “customary shortchanging practices” on major industrial plant projects in the U.S. and foreign countries which clearly posed contractual violations as well as environmental violations. Somehow you have ignored to consider my other six (6) energy saving products. You completely ignore my disclosure of CO2 capture from coal power plants, chemical plants, refineries, and natural gas plants and my proposed process to convert the CO2 emissions into useful fertilizer. Perhaps you and the DOE are stalling so that some companies or corporations will develop new fertilizer processes with fancy slogans that amazingly were (secretly) developed some 40+ years ago? I do have statistics of present and past fertilizer production. Of major importance is my Vacuum Chamber Concrete Wall Construction Process, which can reduce large amounts of energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions which cause major global climate change problem.What explanations do you have for not doing your job in the national and public interest? President Barack Obama, members of the Cabinet, government departments and agencies will receive this disclosure, and you can expect that this will be made public via the internet. Since I have extensive technical experience including proposals, contracts and the management of multiple, multi-million dollar engineering projects in the U.S. and foreign countries, I have submitted to you more than adequate information and data for DOE funding consideration, and I also have specified in sufficient detail my objectives that meet your typical abstract format. All you need to do is read it and comprehend it!! This is how the DOE conducts business?If you are at all familiar with the existing national and global energy situation and urgency involving global climate change, then you would comprehend the importance of my disclosed products, and especially the value of my Hydrogen Energy Regeneration Systems. Our President Barack Obama and most Democrats in government are showing not just their understanding, but also the urgen
cy of the energy crisis and the global climate crisis. My documentation discloses very much information that easily should have rattled your timbers into the realization of authenticity with the overall scope of a new energy source that would meet future global energy requirements. It is all there in plain English. You questioned authenticity – you got it. Please see: http://www.MZ-Energy.com—Chapter 4A, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9.Of course I am also aware of the proposed 400 nuclear reactors which are estimated to cost several hundred billion dollars, of which the Union of Concerned Scientists strongly object for various reasons, including the funding of research for a car battery that was funded by DOE for the amount of $2 billion. Did the Department of Energy ever figure out how to acquire all the necessary lithium and platinum for Fuel Cells to supply 19 million annual new cars and truck production, and the 250 million vehicles in USA use? The world production amounted to over 70 million cars and trucks in 2008. For your edification, I was involved in some defense projects, including the design of a manufacturing plant for the Bradley Army Tank, or the AOA (Star Wars Project) for $1 Trillion which was funded on the basis of much less data or concept. As Sr. Manufacturing Engineer for a manufacturing plant for 3,500 employees, I required additional information about the feasibility and functionality of the Star Wars Project, and it was necessary for me to request additional information from the Pentagon because the entire concept was severely flawed. After 23 years of continued R and defense funding and under “enhanced conditions,” the Star War Project was proclaimed (somewhat) a success, but does not meet the required objectives today for originally detecting missiles 2,000 miles downrange. For your information, the development of Hydrogen Energy Regeneration Systems is the most valuable and important innovation ever conducted, and for me to carry this important project forward to its completion to satisfy global energy needs, requires absolute determination, dedication, integrity, honesty as well as technical and scientific competence. Again, it is quite obvious, and I do not believe the Department of Energy is suitable for such initiatives, and as a result, my quoted costs will be substantially higher than what I quoted before, because I will not be placed in untenable situations that would cause failure due to inadequate funding at the hands of the government. The other concern is the reluctance and resistance of the public utilities, energy industry, national industries and commerce of refusing to comply with federal legislation to meet the approved and necessary global climate change agreements. Such delays would impose severe measures to demand compliance or outright buyouts of many public utility companies and energy companies at a cost of perhaps $3 to $4 Trillion. Security, sabotage, interferences and safety are a common occurrence and require more oversight and are of major concerns which unfortunately require substantial additional funding. President Barack Obama can verify to being sabotaged and persecuted for his efforts to salvage the USA economy from collapse of the “wacky and crazy” policies of the George W. Bush administration, and for fulfilling his duties and obligations, President Barack Obama is called a “Socialist, Communist, Nazi and the Devil” by right-wing fanatics in the Senate, Congress and by some people. BlackLight Power, Inc. has 3 former CIA agents on its payroll, and what are the reasons for their employment? It is herewith understood that all submitted research data is legally proprietary and contains intellectual property rights, including my research data on my website: http://www.MZ-Energy.com. The U.S. Government, Departments and Agencies are specifically enjoined (forbidden) and will refrain from conducting research, including the funding of any such programs now and in the future with any business entities domestically or foreign countries. By the way, a $636 billion military spending bill for fiscal 2010 was approved by the senate on 10/6/2009. Therefore, I am submitting a copy of this response to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden and the federal departments and agencies. Of course this does not exclude me from making the above contents public, including the disclosure of our government functions on the internet, and in the public interest. ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT INFORMATIONThe origin of my Hydrogen Energy Regeneration Research BlackLightPower, Inc., Hydrinos, Dr. Randall Mills and Hydrazine. Perhaps the following explains some of the reasons of why I have not received responses from Senators, Congressmen, and Federal Departments and Agencies, including the Dept. of Energy in the recent past. Please read the following important information, including BlackLightPower, Dr. Randall Mills, Hydrinos and Hydrazine.ORIGIN OF HYDROGEN ENERGY REGENERATION RESEARCHAs previously disclosed on my website: http://www.MZ-Energy.com, in 1962 I wanted to build a small jet plane somewhat similar in design of a car. In 1963, I researched how to locate oil fields with sophisticated electronic sensors and electronic seismic equipment, because large quantities of oil would be needed for commercial usage. I found that world oil deposits were not adequate and a new energy source was needed. After extensive research, I realized that the only energy source to replace oil would be hydrogen obtained from the oceans containing 11% hydrogen. Hydrogen cannot be consumed, but can produce high chemical reactions with other chemicals and elements. The processing and marketing of hydrogen energy from ocean water to satisfy public demand would be a major challenge. The hydrogen and any of the chemical reaction elements needed to be regenerated, in an association and dissociation process in a continuous closed loop operating process with other readily available chemical elements and components. The ultimate energy process would be the continuous regeneration and not requiring refilling or replacing the chemical components for 6 months or for 12+ months. Some continuous hydrogen energy regeneration processes were considered whereby chemical elements consisting of organic and inorganic elements could be endlessly regenerated without replenishing or refilling the chemical elements and components. No doubt, these hydrogen processes required much research, development and capital in 1963.Many hydrogen reaction formulas were much too powerful for my applications, and I was considering power outputs within the range of approximately 12 to 28 times the energy of gasoline depending upon applications. While some low energy chemical reaction formulas required larger volumes and quantities, the more powerful chemical reaction formulas can be adjusted so that less amounts of chemical component volume and quantities are used, and at the same time it will reduce the volume and quantities of chemical elements to be regenerated, but achieve maximum energy and power output for traveling long distances and for much longer time-spans. Depending on application, the hydrogen regeneration energy formulas vary and can consist of organic and inorganic chemical elements for maximizing regeneration capabilities of continuous, and of facilitating reprocessing quantities. It was necessary to do the research and development and that required a substantial amount of money. The U.S. government was the only logical source to support my research. Since the Lyndon Johnson Administration, I submitted a disclosure within every 7 years in order to maintain established confidentiality by government and presidential directives.In 1964, I submitted my little jet plane for federal funding to senate and congressional committee chairman and the Department of Defense for defense and commercial applications. From then on I was experiencing severe employment and financial problems, including many physical as well as dea
th threats. Therefore I decided to concentrate on designing other worthwhile products in hope to acquire enough money so that I could continue my research on hydrogen and for this little jet plane in the near future. I offered to give companies several new products with exclusive patent rights just to obtain employment, but nothing worked and I was “blackballed” wherever I went, and then I became a consultant. Fast forward into the 1980’s. Zapata Oil Company, owned by George Bush drilled horizontally into the Naval Oil Reserves in Los Angeles and stole large amounts of oil from the government, but not a single person went to prison. The oil company then drilled horizontally wells from the Kuwait side into the Iraqi oil fields. Saddam Hussein warned Kuwait to remove the drilling rigs, but the warning was ignored. Therefore Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.About the same time, I received a copy (about 90 pages) of a plan involving a group of ultra conservative Christian leaders with a listing of various multi-millionaires from Dallas, which included to my recollection George W. Bush. This group had acquired the rights to “Cold Fusion” and proclaimed to be able to control the future energy supply for the world, and with the religious right extremists would be able to Christianize the Mid-East and monopolize the world by the year 2000. After about 1 year, I decided that I could not have in my possession such a crazy plan, because this plan seemed at the time just total madness. When “Cold Fusion” fizzled, the plan was hatched to take over the Iraqi oil fields by Rumsfeld and George W. Bush and to turn the supposedly $17 Trillion of Iraqi oil deposits by raising oil prices, into a windfall of $77 Trillion. By controlling the remaining Arab oil and Iran oil, this group would then control very much the world economy. With the 9/11 disaster, George W. Bush was able to convince the senate and congress with the invasion of Iraq, and he even promised to withdraw from Iraq within 100 days after the invasion. HYDROGEN ENERGY RESEARCH BY BLACKLIGHT POWERArticle from BlackLight Inc.—October 27, 2005″It’s claimed that a previously unrecognized form of hydrogen atom can release 1000 times more energy than normal combustion. Is this the power source of the future?” BlackLight Power and HydrinosStatus: Most likely a free energy scamAn article in the Guardian about Dr. Randall Mills, founder of Blacklight Power, has been generating a lot of debate in the blogosphere. For instance, there’s discussion of the article over on Slashdot, and a link to it also got posted in the hoax forum. I wanted to add a few comments here because, although many people might be hearing about Mills for the first time (thanks to the Guardian article), the guy has actually been lurking around since the early 1990s, claiming to have discovered a limitless source of cheap energy. (I recognized Mills because he’s discussed in Robert Park’s book Voodoo Science, published in 2000.)Mills’s theories originally developed out of his interest in cold fusion, though he insists he’s not proposing a rejiggered form of cold fusion. Instead, what Mills claims to have discovered is a way to get a hydrogen atom to move to an energy level below the ground state. The ground state is the lowest energy level a hydrogen atom can sink to (according to modern physics). But Mills is saying it can sink even lower (i.e. the electron can move even closer to the proton). When a hydrogen atom sinks to this sub-ground level, it supposedly emits an enormous amount of energy and transforms into what Mills calls a “hydrino”. If Mills is right, pretty much all of modern physics is wrong. Which is why Mills probably isn’t right.Of course, Mills could be a genius whose theories are going to completely revolutionize modern science (and modern industry). That’s what his supporters claim. But that’s what the supporters of ALL free-energy schemers claim. The fact is that for almost fifteen years Mills has been promising that practical applications of his hydrino technology are just around the corner. But nothing ever materializes. And meanwhile he keeps luring in new investors with his wild promises of limitless energy. So it seems to me that Mills and his hydrinos match the familiar free-energy pattern of big promises, but no results. Posted By: Alex | Date: Mon Nov 07, 2005 | Permalink | Total Comments: 21ROWAN UNIVERSITY SUMMARY—August 10, 2009COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCESRowanChemSummer2009ReportChemistry and BiochemistryReport on Synthesis and Studies of “Generation 2″Lower Energy Hydrogen ChemicalsProf. Amos Mugweru, Prof. K.V. Ramanufachary, Ms. Heather Peterson, Mr. John KongSummary During the current reporting period we have investigated the chemistry and thermodynamics of the reaction mixtures containing AH (A =Na or K), Mg and, several halides on various supports. The alkali metal hydrides served the dual role of catalyst and hydrogen source. Both metal halides such as, NiBr2, MnI2, AgCl, EuBr, FeBr2, InCl and non-metal halide SF6 were tested for their action. The presence of calcium or magnesium metal powder, the metal halide and a support material were essential for the progress of the reaction. Typically, the reaction mixtures were loaded and heated in a cell to initiate the reaction. All manipulations were carried out in the Ar-filled drybox. The reaction products were characterized initially using XRD. The chemical identity of the products from the XRD studies were used in writing the reaction scheme. In several of the runs the products were mainly magnesium hydride, the metal of the metal halide reactant, and an alkali halide salt. There was no evidence of crystalline metal halide in the final product, indicating its complete consumption. Calorimetric studies indicated the release of energy far in excess of what is predicted based on the elementary thermodynamic calculations. Products of the reaction mixture containing NaH, MgH2, activated carbon, and SF6 indicated the presence of “hydrino” species by use of liquid1H NMR. TPD results on the starting materials indicate that there was no water or oxides of carbon present. The absence of detectable amount of metal oxides in the XRD patterns of the products further rules out the possibility of a reaction between water and reactive metals. Although we have notconcluded our work in the area of characterization, the presence of the new forms of lower energy hydrogen “hydrino” observed in our previous report may be responsible for these higher than expected energy gains observed. In conclusion, the experimental work carried out at Rowan University in the Departments of Engineering and Chemistry confirms independently the empirical findings of BLP with respect to anomalous heat generation and chemical analysis. BLP attributes the anomalous heat generated to the formation of an unusual state of hydrogen during these reactions, what they have named ‘hydrinos’. Michael Kanellos – August 12, 2009 7 Comments An (Almost) Infinite Form of Power?Controversial Blacklight Power says it can generate massive amounts of heat with a new form of hydrogen. And it’s posted its papers. It’s either one of the greatest discoveries of all time or an elaborate error.Either way, controversial startup Blacklight Power has posted the most recent papers on hydrinos to let the world judge.A Hydrino is a purported low-energy form of hydrogen that researchers at the company claimed to have discovered. When ordinary hydrogen is mixed with a chemical catalyst at a relatively cool 50 degrees Celsius, hydrogen molecules turn into hydrinos, according to Blacklight. The hydrogen-to-hydrino reaction releases 200 times more energy than the amount of energy that gets released when hydrogen is burned.”They hydrogen releases an extremely large amount of energy. There is unequivocally energy being produced” said CEO Randell Mills. The energy is released as ultraviolet light a
nd can be converted into thermal energy.The electron shell of the atom in going form hydrogen to hydrino actually gets smaller, according to Mills.When the reaction occurs in the presence of other chemicals, those chemicals can be transformed into other materials and then transferred back into their earlier state without much energy, and be used for a subsequent experiment, effectively creating energy storage, he said.In its latest round of experiments, researchers at Rowan University, which co-authored an earlier paper with Blacklight, tested how various accelerants react in the presence of hydrinos and its catalyst. Approximately 1.2 to 6 times more energy was noted at the end of these reactions than the laws of chemistry would ordinarily allow. The difference, Blacklight claims, can be explained by hydrinos. The Rowan team also characterized hydrinos. Papers on these experiments were posted to the company’s site.The only material that gets lots in these reactions is the hydrogen, which can be obtained by electrolyzing water. So, in theory, the company can generate massive amounts of heat (like 1,000 kilojoules per mole of chemical accelerant) with water, a little bit if electricity, a marginal amount of heat and some chemical accelerants and catalysts that will never wear out or be consumed.”This is the third time in human history that a primary energy source has been created,” he said. The first two were combustion and nuclear power.Hydrinos could also explain the existence of dark matter, he added. The situation is analogous to carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. Scientists in the 1980s stated that pure carbon only existed in a few forms like diamond or graphite. Nanotubes, which are zero dimensional objects, didn’t fit into any theory but were discovered nonetheless.”This is just an undiscovered form of hydrogen,” he said.Skeptics naturally abound. “Standard quantum mechanics cannot encompass hydrino states, with the properties currently attributed to them. Hence there remains no theoretical support of the hydrino hypothesis. This strongly suggests that the experimental evidence put forward in favour of the existence of hydrinos should be reconsidered for interpretation in terms of conventional physics,” wrote Andreas Rathke of the European Space Agency in 2005 in a often read paper.Mills also admitted that the experiments haven’t been validated and hydrinos haven’t been produced by people outside of Blacklight and Rowan. The next stage thus will revolve around third-party experiments.If anything, Blacklight should be around for a while. It has raised over $60 million.Dr. Mills had to acquire some of his basic chemistry knowledge from an Encyclopedia of Chemistry such as by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, and books on Physics about Matter, Energy and the Universe, including the Chemistry of Hydrazine such as by L.F. Audrieth, Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois, copyright 1951 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.According to the above summary, Rowan University did not validate the actual existence of “Hydrinos.” For more than a week, I have tried to digest all the claims, press releases, assumptions, predictions and assertions by BlackLight Power, Inc. and by Dr. Mills of their hydrogen research and “hydrinos theory,” and I clearly walk away with a multitude of questions which suggest the “hydrino theory” is without merit and exhibits “creative imagination” that deviates from obvious hydrogen chemical reaction research processes. NEWS RELEASEBlackLight Power, Inc. Announces Independent Validation of Breakthrough New Energy Source Based on a New Form of Hydrogen and Chemistry Capable of Continuous RegenerationBlackLight Power Physics Grand Slam: Power, Hydrinos, Light Signature, Theory Prediction Validated Cranbury, NJ (August 12, 2009)—BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) today announces that scientists at Rowan University have for the first time independently formulated and tested fuels that on demand generated energy greater than that of combustion at power levels of kilowatts using BLP’s proprietary solid-fuel chemistry capable of continuous regeneration. Operating power systems using BLP’s chemistry, Rowan University professors have reported a net energy gain of up to 6.5 times the maximum energy potential of the materials in the system from known chemical reactions. In a joint statement, Dr. K.V. Ramanujachary, Rowan University Meritorious Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dr. Amos Mugweru, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, and Dr. Peter Jansson P.E., Associate Professor of Engineering said, “In independent tests conducted over the past three months involving 10 solid fuels made by us from commercially-available chemicals, our team of engineering and chemistry professors, staff, and students at Rowan University has independently and consistently generated energy in excesses ranging from 1.2 times to 6.5 times the maximum theoretical heat available through known chemical reactions.””Additionally, we have analyzed the reaction products and are confident that the procedures we have followed and chemicals we have procured and reacted are not capable of generating the quantities of heat we have observed with previously known chemistry. This significant disclosure by BLP makes it readily possible for other laboratories to demonstrate the repeatability of these reactions that produce anomalous heat regularly in our university laboratory. Moreover, we have also reproduced BLP’s tests that identify a novel form of hydrogen as the likely explanation of the additional heat evolved.”Based on the solid fuel used and power generated at scales of approximately 30 kW, the reaction appears scalable to any level. Moreover, BLP scientists were able to regenerate the fuel by simply applying heat. This breakthrough advances the commercial viability of the BlackLight Process as a new non-polluting energy source that was first announced by BLP in October 2008.Proof of PowerThe validation by the Rowan University team provides further evidence that the observed energy gain will enable the operation of commercial power plants by continuously replacing the hydrogen that is consumed by the BlackLight Process to form hydrinos. Hydrinos are a prior undiscovered form of hydrogen in lower-energy states produced by the BlackLight Process as latent energy is released by hydrogen atoms. The energy released forming a hydrino is over 200 times the energy required to extract hydrogen from water by electrolysis to produce the new hydrogen fuel consumed during the BlackLight Process. “The advanced version of the solid fuel is very efficient at liberating energy from forming hydrinos and requires essentially no energy to reverse the chemical product back into the initial fuel. Regeneration was achieved simply with heat. This is enabling of continuous generation of power using simplistic and efficient systems that use heat liberated by forming “hydrinos” to concurrently maintain regeneration. The system is closed except that only hydrogen consumed in forming hydrinos needs to be replaced,” said Dr. Randell Mills, Chairman, CEO and President of BlackLight Power, Inc.”The observed energy gain and successful thermal regeneration of the solid fuel show the feasibility of using the solid fuel in a recycled manner as a replacement for fossil and nuclear fuels in power plants. These developments are anticipated to result in a significant decrease in the time to commercialization”, noted Dr. Mills.John Miller, recently appointed to the Board of Directors of BLP and former president of Standard Oil, described the recent advances saying, “The successful development of new-generation chemistry and its simple thermal regeneration is a major historical step toward near-term, commercial hydrino power. Our recent execution of eight billion watts of commercial licensing agreements demonstrates that the power market is beginning to agree.”Proof of Existence of HydrinosBLP also announces successful indepe
ndent production and characterization of a new form of hydrogen by professors at Rowan University. In the study independently performed at Rowan University laboratories, Professor Ramanujachary and Professor Mugweru synthesized from base materials the previously undiscovered form of hydrogen and were able to characterize hydrogen atoms existing in lower-energy states—called hydrinos—as predicted by BLP. In further confirmation, the Rowan University team was also able to identify similar hydrino signatures from net energy producing systems operating in Professor Jansson’s laboratories. This represents the first time BLP has taught independent labs the techniques for making hydrinos from scratch. Dr. Ramanujachary remarked, “Recent advances in techniques at BLP in production of this new form of matter appear to make it straightforward for any lab in the world to synthesize sufficient volumes to characterize this previously unknown form of hydrogen.” Dr. Mugweru continues, “Knowing the starting materials of the synthesis reaction and fully characterizing the by-products, other than a new form of hydrogen, we were unable to make an assignment to known species for the signatures observed.”Light Signature of HydrinoBLP also announces today the publication of a paper, by Dr. Randell Mills, Dr. Kamran Akhtar, and Dr. Ying Lu in the Central European Journal of Physics describing a significant new confirmation of hydrinos. For the first time, BLP confirms direct spectral observation of transitions of hydrogen to form hydrinos. These experiments showing hydrogen spectral emissions below 80 nanometers, the previously known ground state, are decisive evidence of the existence of hydrinos theoretically predicted by Dr. Randell Mills. Describing the significance of the breakthrough, Dr. Mills said, “This is smoking-gun evidence of the existence of hydrinos, the light signature observed is from pure hydrogen and at much higher energy than deemed possible for this element in any known form.”Successful Application of TheoryBLP has published eight journal articles in the past seven months reporting the energetic characteristics of its power-producing process and released in July the newest edition of the Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics that predicts hydrinos. These are available at: http://www.blacklightpower.com/.BLP's wholly-owned subsidiary, Millsian, Inc., a developer of molecular modeling applications of classical physics, announces the release today of Millsian 2.0 Beta software that can visualize the exact three-dimensional structure and calculate physical characteristics of a boundless number of molecules of any length and complexity including complex proteins and DNA. BLP believes that Millsian software represents a major breakthrough that may impact nearly all businesses involved in drug development, material science, and chemistry. More importantly, it proves that classical laws of physics apply at the atomic and molecular scale, the principle that predicted hydrinos.Professors Peter Jansson, K.V. Ramanujachary, and Amos Mugweru, have released reports outlining the full documentation and results of the off-site replication and independent testing of the new power systems, new-generation chemistry, and hydrino characterization testing that is available at: http://www.blacklightpower.com/. A technical paper giving the detailed chemistry that BLP believes laboratories can easily follow and replicate is given at http://http://www.blacklightpower.com/About BlackLight Power BlackLight Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new primary energy source and a new field of hydrogen chemistry with broad commercial applications. BlackLight Power has invented a new primary energy source with applications to heating, distributed power generation, central power generation, and motive power based on a new chemical process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom, the BlackLight Process.For more information, please visit http://www.blacklightpower.com/About Rowan UniversityRowan University, Glassboro, N.J., is a highly ranked comprehensive public university that offers bachelor through doctoral degrees. The University comprises seven colleges: Business, Communication, Education, Engineering, Fine & Performing Arts, Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Professional & Continuing Education. U.S News & World Report ranks Rowan’s College of Engineering 12th in the nation among programs that offer bachelor and master degrees.Glossary:BlackLight Process: A novel chemical process invented by BLP causing the latent energy stored in the hydrogen atom to be released as a new primary energy source. Hydrino: Hydrinos are a new form of hydrogen discovered by BLP. Hydrinos are produced during the BlackLight Process as energy is released from the hydrogen atom as the electron transitions to a lower-energy state resulting in a smaller radius hydrogen atom.Spectral Emissions: Spectral emission of an atom such as hydrogen is a unique signature that acts like a fingerprint of its characteristics. Each line of the spectrum is characteristic of and identifies the energy levels of the atom.Applications of BlackLight ProcessTwo of the potential applications of its technology are in heating and electric power production. The heat-generating prototypes have shown the BlackLight Process to be potentially competitive with existing primary generation sources over a range of scales from micro-distributed to central power generation. The BlackLight Process thermal power source may be ideal for interfacing with commercially available electric power generating equipment. BlackLight technology may be well-suited for the utility industries and could reduce or eliminate problems such as those arising from the variable regional supply and price of fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil, and the cost of building out a suitable supporting infrastructure and transmission grids, as well as eliminate pollution, greenhouse gas emission and other market, supply, infrastructure, or environmental adversities.Media Contacts:Ramya KumaraswamyHill & Knowlton for BlackLight Power, Inc.Mobile: 646-552-8639Office: 212-885-0552ramya.kumaraswamy@hillandknowlton.comDISPUTES TO THE EXISTANCE OF “HYDRINOS”According to BlackLight Power, in a hydrogen chemical reaction, the electron is stripped of its outer shell and is transformed into a “hydrino.” This does not appear possible when using this example, if you peel an apple, you still have an apple, and the apple cannot magically be transformed into an orange. Their theory is badly flawed because when the electrons are converted into “hydrinos” and expel their energy, the “hydrinos” obviously become non-existent when depleted of energy, and therefore “hydrinos” could not be reconstituted and regenerated as claimed. It is further claimed that the spent residue of the “hydrinos” is a byproduct of the hydrogen chemical reaction and requires to be disposed of to the atmosphere, and new hydrogen needs to be added to continue the chemical reactions. Another claim is that in the hydrogen chemical reaction, the electron undergoes a transformation in molecular structure and emits substantial amounts of energy, but after the release of energy, the electron reconstructs itself into its original form, presumingly by an unexplained energy source. If this were the case, than the very “hydrino theory” is not valid, because this “hydrino” could not structurally reinvent itself into becoming an electron.The BlackLight Process is explained as follows: “Based on physical laws of nature, Dr. Mill’s theory predicts that additional lower energy states are possible for the hydrogen atom, but are not normally achieved. They are not normally achieved because transitions to these states are not directly associated with the emission of radiation, thus the ordinary hydrogen atom, as well as lower energy hydrogen atoms (termed hydrinos), are stable in isolation. Mills’ th
eory further predicts that hydrogen atoms can achieve these states by a radiation-less energy transfer with a nearby atom, ion, or combination of ions (a catalyst) having the capability to absorb the energy required to effect the transition. Thus the Company believes hydrogen atoms can be induced to jump to a lower energy state, with release of the net energy difference between states. Successive stages of collapse of the hydrogen atom are predicted, resulting in the release of energy in amounts many times greater than the energy released by the combustion of hydrogen.”These theories and assumptions contain several contradictions that question the validity of research claims and press releases. The claim that electrons or “hydrinos” can transition to several lower-energy states of “matter” and physical properties is absurd. But instead what is taking place are simply advanced chemical reactions of chemical elements and observations thereof. The stated theories, assumptions, predictions and research by Dr. Mills and BlackLight Power do not exhibit proof of exact hydrogen chemical reaction events, and require positive proof by actual application into new chemical processes and actual products. Furthermore, BlackLight Power’s own statement on spectral emissions clearly state: “spectral emissions of an atom such as hydrogen is a unique signature that acts like a fingerprint of its characteristics. Each line of the spectrum is characteristic of and identifies the energy levels of the atom.” As such, the spectral emissions should show the actual “hydrinos” transformation into a new state of physical properties and matter, and the reaction with the protons into different physical properties. If the electron is transformed into a different state of physical properties, BlackLight Power seems to forget to disclose the reaction and behavior of the protons in conjunction. The BlackLight observations of spectral emissions of and during the transformation into the “hydrinos” physical state would logically include the protons, but perhaps this is just an oversight, or are the protons also undergoing a transformation with the “hydrinos” and become consumed by the chemical reaction to generate energy as well? This in turn would mean that the hydrogen atoms are entirely consumed into energy? The observed spectral emissions and light signatures from electrons can of course be produced from traces of generated heat and energy of the electron. The research by BlackLight Power has been inept and has to date exhibited many broken promises, and as of June 2008 consisted of 22 full time employees consisting mostly of scientists and 8 PhD’s, 2 part time employees, and 20 consultants, while BlackLight was funded with $50 million. No doubt there are hydrogen chemical reactions taking place that generate substantial energy just as I had calculated in my research in 1963, and are disclosed on my website: http://www.MZ-Energy.com, in chapter 4-A, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9. My research on hydrogen regeneration predates that of Dr. Mills by about 23 years, and Dr. Mills is duplicating my research as has been disclosed, but adding theories and fictitious claims of “hydrinos” into the mix, which is similar to the cold fusion farce, in order to obtain legitimacy of originality. I have not been aware of Dr. Mills and BlackLight Power until October 10, 2009, and was compelled to respond to the claims, theories, assumptions and predictions made by BlackLight Power. While I have been writing and compiling this response off-line and not on the Internet, words have been deleted and changed, and I have seen the curser moving from line to line without me touching the mouse, which appears to indicate that my computer is being accessed while I work off-line. As I do have additional evidence of my early research which have been documented and notarized, there should be no further delays in proceeding with federal funding for R for my proposed energy and multiple products to contain CO2 emissions that cause global climate problems. An independent energy company stated today that their research shows that if this country does not proceed immediately to contain CO2 emissions, then after 2015 we will be entering a climate catastrophe. With best regards, Manfred Zysk, M.E. 1655 S. Elm Street, #5 Canby, Oregon 97013 Phone: 503-266-1483 Cell: 503-360-3384HYDROGEN ENERGY RESEARCHBy: Manfred Zysk, M.E. November 22, 2009CONTAINS PROPRIETARY RESEARCH AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS – PUBLICATION IS AUTHORIZED BY AUTHORIn previous disclosed research many years ago, I described certain functions involving hydrogen atoms. These functions included the contraction of the orbit of the electron around the proton (nucleus), whereby the electron is circling the proton held in place by a magnetic field that is surrounding the proton. The orbital, polar and spherical contraction of the electron onto the existing magnetic field of the proton causes friction and generates heat energy. The greater the contraction and compression force to reduce and compress the orbit of the electron, the more friction and energy is produced, because the magnetic field is resisting contact with the proton. The contraction and compression of the orbit of the electron around the proton produces heat and a miniscule residue which trails the revolving electron, and can be observed by a spectrograph. Of course as the contraction and compression of the orbit of and upon the electron is increased, the miniscule residue becomes more pronounced and visible on a spectrograph. The contraction and compression of the orbit of the electron has an “exited effect” upon the proton, which at the same time corresponds with increased magnetic resistance force and generates heat energy. Some of the miniscule residue comes from the “exited” proton, and can be observed by a spectrograph as trailing behind the orbiting electron in the form of traces of heat. Various chemical substances and chemical elements react with hydrogen atoms. Some radical and highly corrosive chemical elements produce very violent explosive force and energy, and can generate nuclear power as has been demonstrated. There is no need to go into the physics of nuclear power theory and application at this point, because a safe and applicable energy source is needed to replace diminishing fossil fuel and oil. Therefore, when a measured amount of hydrogen atoms, oxygen and reactive chemical elements are combined in a closed and sealed container, it is possible to generate a calculated contraction and compression of the orbit of electrons onto the protons. By stabilizing the chemical reaction (pressure) in a closed container by maintaining the contracted and compressed orbit of electrons, it is then possible to generate heat and energy for extended periods of time, depending upon the formula of chemical elements. The duration of sustained energy output is difficult to estimate and would require substantial research, practical development, product manufacturing and product safety before making any valid claims of energy functionality and efficiencies. Regardless, I have considered the use of a continuous closed loop hydrogen regeneration process and system if and when necessary depending upon application and products. For additional information, please see my website: http://www.MZ-Energy.com. With the use of a closed loop hydrogen regeneration system, whereby all chemical components and chemical elements are regenerated in an association and dissociation process, this is a process that is most suitable for several applications. It is then possible to produce heat and energy for a very long time without refilling or substituting these chemical elements. All mechanical products or mechanical systems require maintenance, replacement, practicality including product safety was my primary concern of my hydrogen research in 1963. If hydrogen were readily avai
lable and inexpensive, then several hundred new mechanical/chemical processes and products could be developed in the future. My position is never to make any claims or statements that cannot be substantiated, unless proven by actual performance and product reliability. But by going through logical thought, explanations and conclusive research, it is possible to obtain the expected results for making claims to proprietary research and intellectual property rights, just like those for patent claims and patent rights. My computer is being hacked continuously; therefore I am releasing my research worldwide to the news media and the public via the internet. Every few weeks I proofread my research again and reinstate any missing or changed content and what appear to be typographical errors.ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ABOUT BLACKLIGHT POWERA further comment about BlackLight Power and their claims of producing a new form of hydrogen called hydrinos. Claims are made of forming a new type of hydrogen which enters into new forms of lower-energy states, and in Dr. Mill’s theory he predicts a transition to a lower electron energy level in the hydrogen atom, which under certain conditions can release substantial quantities of heat, positioned between chemical combustion and nuclear power—without the problems of nuclear power. Dr. Mills claims the outer shell of the electron is being peeled of several layers like that of an onion to produce the hydrino into lower states of matter. Dr. Mills does not seem to realize that any onions, vegetables and fruit can be peeled to the core, and the onions, vegetables and fruit regardless remain onions, vegetables and fruit in chemical substance no matter what is done to them, unless they are being processed with other chemical components or elements into entirely different substances of matter such as refining oil to obtain jet fuel, plastics or chemicals. Obviously Dr. Mills and BlackLight Power have not achieved or developed such substances of matter to date. Dr. Mills further claims his processes involve the consumption of hydrogen atoms and the need to replenish the supply of hydrogen, and the process of hydrino consumption produces a residue which needs to be disposed of. The creation of “hydrinos” including new forms of lower-energy states is herewith questionable and exhibits a form of semantics involving chemical reaction processes and practical physics. Unfortunately, many scientists have commented of unreliable and scattered assumptions of research results not being conclusive in content or application. A news release on August 12, 2009, Dr. Mills stated: “BlackLight says it developed a solid fuel that efficiently liberates hydrinos and then requires very little energy (in the form of heat) to reverse the chemical product back into the initial solid fuel. The system is nearly closed-loop, requiring only the replacement of hydrogen consumed when forming hydrinos.” Back in 1998, Dr. Mills promised of just being a few months away from developing and completing workable test models and power plants, but to date I have not seen a news release of such an operating unit or electric power plant by BlackLight Power. Nothing has been learned from the “COLD FUSION” farce of which Dr. Mills had also been an advocate. With best regards,Manfred Zysk, M.E.E-mail: manfred5@canby.com Website: http://www.MZ-Energy.com MAJOR MEDICAL SCIENCE DISCOVERYTHE BODY CELL REGENERATION PROCESSBy: Manfred Zysk, February 19, 2009Updated: April 20, 2009Disclosure and research contains intellectual property rights.President Barack Obama, Cabinet Members, White House Staff and members of the Senate and Congress are asked to review and respond to my noteworthy research proposal, and I kindly request an appropriate response within a reasonable time. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party members in the Senate and Congress are asked to provide the necessary research funds to numerous universities for this great medical discovery by steering this medical science project to its successful completion. This research could have been conducted about 18-19 years ago, but the national emphasis was concentrated primarily on global military operations, and therefore it was pointless up to now to release this medical discovery. Even today, the Republican Party remains anti-science, has become very Anti-American by opposing many new scientific research projects such as global climate change, and has destroyed the economy of the United States by plundering our nations’ wealth. Government research grants and science funding would provide many jobs for progressive universities and also provide many opportunities for future doctors throughout the medical profession. This is truly significant and will provide great health benefits in the future. Please respond in three (3) weeks, or by April 10, 2009. My research disclosure was made to the White House and approximately 26 Senators and 42 Congressmen in Washington, D.C. To date I have not received a single response from the United States Government. It is now a reality to conduct body cell research for regenerating and replacement of body cells for curing most illnesses, cancers and the reduction of the aging process with the use of computers and supercomputers. The structure and composition of body cells vary greatly and is as complex as DNA, and certain negative and harmful molecules (due to age old hereditary chromosome interbreeding) can be isolated and stripped from the complex cells, DNA and chromosomes, and enhanced cell regeneration substances, and positive characteristics can be inserted into the structure of body cells and its numerous components, and by modifying the cell genome correspondingly by splicing enhanced and positive characteristics into the DNA and chromosomes. This research process involves the study of body cells of young and small children, teenagers, young adults, middle age adults and senior persons in various stages of life. Specifically young children into their growing years, young adults growing into maturity, mature adults, adults at the point of the beginning of the body cell aging process, mid-life adults when the entire body cells are in the aging process, and the final stage in life when the replacement of new body cells are entering a decline, and the cell renewal/replacement process is slowing down, or the body has stopped the replication of cells, then these positive differences in DNA composition aspects can be analyzed, separated and spliced into the DNA and chromosomes. The negative differences in the DNA and chromosome composition can be stripped and removed from the DNA and chromosomes.When a complete computer analysis is made of the body cell structure and cell growth structure during the specific stages of life, and aging, then the molecule composition differences between young cell growth, mature cell growth, the onset of cell deterioration, the limit of body cell growth and the reduction of body cell growth development, then, when comparing these variable changes in body cells, will then provide information and data for the modification of the cell structure, DNA and chromosomes, and for the development of most physical cures such as cancer, malaria, tuberculosis, aids and venereal diseases, including of reducing the aging process, et cetera. The difference in molecule composition of body cell function from the youth age to old age can be observed, and involves the aging or slowing down of all body cell and organ functions which then affect all remaining body cells and tissue degeneration. Therefore when the DNA and chromosome genome structure is modified by stripping the negative hereditary molecules and the negative genetic and aging molecules and by the careful replacement by splicing with regenerating molecule code aspects into the cell components of the DNA and chromosomes, then the most advanced and be]]