We’ve been talking about green collar jobs for a long time. More recently, we’ve been followingVan Jones, who’s been busy pushing the concept of green jobs into common political parlance (and action)—from Nancy Pelosi’s introduction of the Green Jobs Act of 2007 to John McCain’s presidential stump speeches to Vice President Job Biden’s Middle Class Task Force.
Jones been a tireless champion for fairness in energy policy. The idea is that a new, clean, green energy economy shouldn’t be designed to shut out the very same people who’ve been left behind by the old, dirty, gray economy. In other words—you can save polar bears and the planet but you’ve got to make it work for poor kids too.
So, it’s good news that Jones will advise the White House on green jobs, enterprise, and innovation.
From the New York Times:
Jones, 40, will work within the Council on Environmental Quality, which coordinates President Obama’s climate, energy and other environmental policy initiatives with federal agencies.
Jones will now help shape the administration’s energy and climate initiatives, with special emphasis on improvements and economic opportunities in vulnerable communities, CEQ officials said.
Jones has said: “We have a chance to connect the people who most need work with the work that most needs to be done.” Now he has the chance to shape policy that can see that it happens.
Update 3/13/09: See also—or rather “listen also”… YES! Magazine’s interview with Van Jones about going to DC.
Steve Nesich
This is truly a great appointment. As a “fan” and follower of Van Jones, I couldn’t be more pleased. Now I’m hoping to see some real, substantive policies coming out of this White House that are initiated and accelerated by the Jones appointment.There is a real window of opportunity now, in this first 12 months of the Obama Administration, to make significant gains and to develop public consciousness about the integral relationship between economic development and green policies in energy and environment.I look forward to engaging with others who want to stay aware of the work Van Jones will be doing in his new job and to support his efforts as effectively as possible.
We’re excited too. And we’ll be keeping tabs on Jones’ work in the new post. I’m hoping he continues his habit of sending lots of emails to his fan clubs.