Donate today fund drive imageSightline’s fall fund drive is on! For the next two weeks we’re asking our friends, readers (that’s you), and subscribers to make a financial contribution to support our work.

It’s like an NPR pledge drive. After all, Sightline is pretty similar to NPR…we provide news and information, and we also depend on our readers to make it possible.

Can you help? Please make a secure online gift here.

Your gift supports the Sightline products you enjoy—like this blog and the Sightline Daily news service. Clark and Eric’s research, maps, and graphics on why the Northwest should enact powerful, equitable climate policy.

THEN your gift keeps right on going. It fuels the positive change our region needs to thrive. Here are some accomplishments Sightline donors have helped set in motion:

  • Our work is made possible by the generosity of people like you!

    Thanks to Bonnie & William Gies for supporting a sustainable Cascadia.

    • Our 2004 study of toxic flame retardants in breast milk led to several Northwest bans on the toxics.
    • Our maps, research, and debate framing contributed to the success of Oregon’s Measure 49, which rolled back parts of the Bad Neighbor Law, Measure 37.
    • Sightline’s “Bulk Discounts for Polluters” report showed that some of the biggest polluters in WA were getting bulk discounts; now the state legislature is trying to fix the problem.
    • And in February of this year, BC announced the most comprehensive carbon tax shift seen anywhere in the world, closely following our 1998 book Tax Shift.

    Please help us achieve even more wins! All it takes is a few moments on our brand new online giving form. Or if you’d rather mail in your gift, you can send in this form.

    Thanks so much!

    p.s. Do you like the sound of monthly giving? It’s convenient for you and saves admin costs for Sightline. To sign up, use this form.