Way back in April, Sightline launched the quest for a walkshed map that would tally and locate all the businesses within one mile of your front door (plus, ideally, things like public restrooms). It would be a Rosetta stone for the newly car-less–a digital Fodors for the pedestrian set. (With its instant quantification of the walkability of each home, it could also be a real-estate game changer. Imagine if realtors, while showing off homes, bragged as much about their walkshed score as the quality of their local schools!)
The quest for the map has proceeded ever since, valiantly surmounting one obstacle after another (more on that, in a moment). But then, just as victory seemed within our grasp, the quest suddenly faltered. Our fearless band of heroes was surrounded and outnumbered, abandoned by a presumed friend.
Now, our only hope is you: that’s right, you and your social network. Sightline is in search of an inside man or woman: a software engineer with a pedestrian heart and a mapping mind; an engineer, specifically, at the Kirkland development office of Google (or perhaps on Microsoft’s Live Local team in Redmond). Do you know that cubicle knight? Can you get him or her to rescue us? Hurry!
Here is our epic tale.
When first I dreamed of walkshed maps on this blog, tech-savvy readers and volunteers conspired with Sightline’s research team to begin planning one: a web service that, when prompted with a North American street address, would produce a map of the surrounding walkshed—everything within a one mile walk—and count all the businesses held therein. The tally would constitute the walkshed score, a rough gauge of each address’s convenience to pedestrians, a gauge of whether it sits in a complete, compact community. And the map would chart the neighborhood’s offerings. Need a mouse trap or an estate lawyer, a nail salon or a tailor? Buying local would never be so easy.
Enthusiasm was high: you can read some of the early discussion in comments here and here. One reader even set up the beginning of a communal website called Walkshed.com for storing business location data gathered by thousands of pedestrian mappers.
These heady days with their dreams of rapid victory soon gave way to a more sober and disciplined phase: Sightline assembled a crack team from its own staff and allies to create a walkshed mapping tool that assembles data from the Qwest online yellow pages, Google Maps, and Google’s database of businesses. The result was an online walkshed map that pinpointed businesses, so you could roll your mouse over them and see what they were. (Here’s a static image from one sample.)
But just when we were about to launch a rudimentary but promising “mash up,” Google—whom we’d trusted as a reliable source of almost limitless information—changed its rules. It pulled up the data drawbridge, and our walkshed chart was left outside. The tool we’d devised still gave a count of businesses within a mile (based on Qwest’s data) but it no longer mapped their whereabouts: it was a score, not a map.
That limited tool (shown in this thumbnail) may be ready for prime time before long and may be interesting to many. But our quest for real walkshed maps seemed doomed. Then came the announcement of Google Transit, a transit trip planning service for (initially) six cities including Eugene, Portland, and Seattle. Google Transit doesn’t provide walkshed maps, but the Seattle Post-Intelligencernews article that announced it mentioned an intriguing fact.
Google Transit originally grew out of Google’s practice of letting its engineers spend 20 percent of their time working on projects of their choosing. An engineer in Google’s Kirkland office, Peng Zhao, expanded on the project, spending his “20 percent time” working on the Seattle-area route data for Google Transit.
So: Google has all the business data needed for walkshed maps—the data Sightline can’t get on its own. And Google gives its engineers time to do projects that interest them. And Google is committed to making a massive contribution to the fight against climate change, as the New York Times reported last month (subscription required). It didn’t take long after reading that for the music in our besieged hearts to swell in anticipation of a white knight with a Google employment badge. (Oh, to be able to google Google itself—to search the hearts of Google’s employees until we find our hidden hero!)
Peng Zhao, if you’re listening, why not make Google WalkingTM your next “20 percent time” project? Other Google engineers: maybe this project is meant for you? Google executives, why not make Google WalkingTM your next big product?
Microsoft, you’ve invested massively in Live Local, why not beat Google to the punch and do walkshed maps first? Hmm, MSNeighborhoodTM? Maybe you’ll sweep in as Sightline’s rescue party?
And you, dear non-software-ish reader, do you know someone to whom you might send this plea? According to the six degrees principle, with your help, we should be able to find our map-making hero almost as fast as, well, Google googles.
P.S. The Northwest does boast an impressive collection of regular, old paper Walking Maps. They’re not walkshed maps, but they’re neat. (In fact, if you search google for “Walking Maps,” a surprising share of the hits are in Cascadia.) The City of Portland’s are especially nice (indexed here). Also see the trusty Powell’s Books downtown walking map (from which the first illustration above is taken) and the newer map of the trendy, compact Pearl District. In Washington, the best collection is done by King County (indexed here). My personal favorites cover downtown Bellevue and my own neighborhood of Ballard. I imagine there are good ones in British Columbia, too, but I have yet to find them.
Josh L.
If this does get off the ground, I’d be happy to donate the walkshed.com domain to the effort. My own efforts are pretty well stalled out, I’m afraid, but I’m still interested in the idea.
Alan Durning
Josh: Thanks. The domain might be useful indeed! Meanwhile, do you know anyone who can help open the gates?Everyone: It’d be great to have you comment to indicate that you’re forwarding the idea to your contacts at GOOG, MSFT, or elsewhere.For myself, I’ve sent messages to about 10 Microsoft people I know, plus a letter to Peng Zhao c/o Google and a message through the Google Transit website feeback form. I’ll report any leads.
Alan Durning
A reader emailed me this intriguing note:”I read your blog post today. I’m the former chair of the Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board and still on their internal mailing list.There was a recent discussion of the idea of a Google pedestrian planner when Google Transit came out, and it turned out one of the board members has a friend at Google, and they are working on such a product. Another former member is a Microsoftie, and they are also working on one.”Both people indicated that gathering the right data is much more difficult for a pedestrian map, because existing maps have roads with LOS indications for cars, pedestrian paths are much more fluid and rely on different indications—you might take a staircase and the Burke-Gilman trail, and you might want to walk a street parallel to a major arterial, as long as that wouldn’t take you across too many bad crosswalks. So having users enter data on this type of thing will be critical.”I don’t actually have the name of the Google guy. (Well, I have the name “Michael.”) I’ll see if I can get the two of you in touch.”Enjoying the carless series very much.”Best,Matthew Amster-BurtonCarless in Seattle since 1999″He followed with another note, indicating that the mysterious Google friend has now been prompted to read this post. I’m anxiously awaiting word.Alan
Matt(hew) is exactly right. The problem isn’t throwing together the mashup, it’s abstracting the data. I got a google maps key months ago when you initially wrote about this, played with it a little, and then realized I didn’t have any very easy way to pull in all the data I needed to really make it useful. Where would I find out where all the benches, bike racks, roads with roundabouts, sidewalks with a planting strip buffer, etc are? The ideas I came up with were doing massive amounts of image processing (the birds-eye satellite images from Local.Live.com are excellent and the street captures in Amazon’s A9 are,too) to try to find those objects along the street which in addition to sounding pretty tough is definitely something I didn’t know how to do 🙂 So that’s where my foray wound up.What might be a simpler initial project would be to turn bicycle maps (King County indicates bike-friendliness in online PDF’s) or aggregating the bicycle data on bikely.com into a map mashup. At least for those projects all the data needed is readily available – but that’s a bikeshed and not a walkshed…
Alan Durning
Matthew and Patrick:Yes! For starters, though, we can just get a pedestrian-oriented version of the business listings that are already available through lots of online services? Integrating benches, planting strips, restrooms, curb cuts, and the like could be version 2.0.
Josh L.
There doesn’t appear to be a good free source of business listing data. Most of those online services are licensing their data from InfoUSA or Acxiom. See Google’s legal notices, for example:When you search for local listings, Google displays business listings which may be supplied by Acxiom or infoUSA. This information is proprietary to those corporations and is protected under U.S. copyright law and international treaty provisions. This information is licensed for your personal or professional use and may not be resold or provided to others. You may not distribute, sell, rent, sublicense, or lease such information, in whole or in part to any third party; and you will not make such information available in whole or in part to any other user in any networked or time-sharing environment, or transfer the information in whole or in part to any computer other than the PC used to access this information.I looked into how much licensing that sort of data costs, and while I can’t find my notes from then, I seem to remember it being something like $5000 to get a data set for Seattle. And it wasn’t clear to me exactly what permission to redistribute that information was included at that price.
Josh L.
I’ve emailed infoUSA’s license group to see if they’ll give me a price estimate for a city’s worth of business listings. Last time, they just ignored me. We’ll see.
Alan Durning
Josh L.,Excellent sleuthing. All the more reason why it’s intriguing to consider making walkshed maps a project of one of the major players in the online mapping space!All,I keep hearing from more folks who’re activating their networks: Over the weekend, I bumped into folks who’d passed word to three close connections at Microsoft plus two at Google.No responses yet from the mapping centers in those companies—or others. But I know we’ll get to them if everyone keeps working their networks.
Alan Durning
Exciting news, all.Microsoft just called.Or, rather, they emailed.Here’s the message I got from a program manager at Virtual Earth:”if you’re ready to step up to a superior mapping tool, I’m here to help ;-)”From your description below, it sounds pretty straight up for our API. Oh, we have a release coming out in a few days with web based mapping features that you have never seen before! It’s pretty insane. Let me know how I can help you get started. We have a full interactive SDK with code snippets and docs that probably does most of what you need already.”Hat tip to Jeff Hallberg and Vince Houmes who transmitted word to this map master. That’s just three degrees of separation!I’ve connected the MS Virtual Earth guy with our own team. We’ll see whether he really is our white knight. Meanwhile, it’s not too late for Google to form a rescue party.
Hello Alan… who at Microsoft are you working with? I work for a different division but would be happy to help in both coding and adding map data. I also know someone else at Microsoft who would be happy to help.
Leigh Sims
Unfortunately, it looks like Qwest recently also made some changes that have made it hard to get meaningful results for businesses for one mile from an address using “all”, or other generic terms. So for the time being, Sightline’s rudimentary “walkshed” map, it would have at least returned a walking “score,” is back to collecting dust. We’ve looked at Yahoo Local as well and determined that the results returned just don’t give enough meaningful information to create a walkshed score. Let us know if you have ideas.