This weblog’s beat is seven trends and one cross-border region: Cascadia, which includes British Columbia, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and adjoining parts of Alaska, Montana, and California. In order do a better job of covering such varied terrain, we’ve been adding guest contributors to our list of Weblog authors. Gordon Price—one of the region’s most thoughtful commentators on urban planning and transportation issues—posts from Vancouver, BC, where he served for many years as city councillor. Yoram Bauman—Whitman College economist and coauthor of Sightline’s Tax Shift–writes on the economy, taxes, and other topics from Walla Walla, Washington. KC Golden, expert on climate change and energy issues, writes from Seattle, Washington, where he’s policy director for Climate Solutions. And Tim Steury, editor of Washington State University’s magazine, will add his voice from a small farm near Potlatch, Idaho, where he raises chickens, grows apples, and makes cider.
In the future, expect to see contributors from other corners in the Northwest as well. And please add your voice to the fray by commenting on what we cover.